ultimate detox green smooth

Detox Green Smoothie (Low FODMAP Recipe)

This smoothie is fantastic for getting loads of nutrients quickly, especially if you’ve just had a FODMAP mishap and are feeling under the weather. If you’re a fan of adding protein powders, maca powder or anything like that, then just add it in when you add the coconut water and mix well.

I like to add pea protein powder and drink one of these right after my workouts. Also, don’t be tempted to replace the coconut water with plain water – it tastes awful!

Detox Green Smoothie Ingredients

Prep and Cooking time: 10 mins
Serves: 1

  • 1 kiwi
  • 1/3 cucumber
  • Handful of spinach leaves
  • Handful of kale leaves
  • 1 Tbsp chia seeds
  • 300ml coconut water 

Detox Green Smoothie Instructions

  1. Cut skin off kiwi and chop this and the cucumber into small pieces.
  2. Add all ingredients to your blender and blend until smooth.
  3. Pour into glass and enjoy!

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