Better Living with Low Fodmap Diet

8 Thoughts on Better Living with Low Fodmap Diet

One year and eight months ago, I began to experience IBS-like symptoms. For a year, I tried to just pretend they weren’t happening. Of course, you can only ignore problems for so long, and so I eventually began a six month experiment in eating gluten-free and wheat-free (which lessened my issues) and then discovered the low-FODMAP diet which, several months ago, completely resolved all of

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Low-FODMAP Chocolate Chia Berries Pudding

Some might think plants just aren’t filling enough. I would have to disagree! Chia seeds (and chia seed pudding) are the ultimate breakfast food for weight loss, energy and satiety. That’s because they are full of healthy fats, which take the longest out of all the macronutrients to digest. If you’re eating the right fats, they’ll keep your appetite full and satisfied quicker than you

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